Jane commented on 6 Oct 2010:
I took a young person with me to Full Council last week. I don’t think he would everhave gone on his own and I would like to see more Councillors asking you to come to meetings and then perhaps if there was enough interest we could hold another meeting with the Youth. asking them how they would deal with the items discussed
Marion commented on 6 Oct 2010:
It is very important that young people are informed about what the Council is doing – many of the decisions impact directly on you all. I would like to see you being invited along to Cabinet or Full Council meetings – or even just attending – most Council meetings are open to the public. That way you would be able to ask questions about things that interest you.
Bruce commented on 6 Oct 2010:
Sitting in on council meetings, for most people, is about as interesting as train-spotting. You would be more than welcome, but don’t forget to wear your anorak.
A much better way to get involved is to campaign on an issue that concerns you. Get together with like minded people and demand to see your local councillors, the council cabinet members and other movers and shakers.
Then you will be in a position to ask pertinent questions at a council meeting, put councillors on the spot and to build your campaign.
If you have strong political views, joining a political party is a good idea. Most MPs joined their chosen party as relatively young people. -
Andrew commented on 6 Oct 2010:
I could not reccomend attending local government meetings – unless you have a specifivic issue and wish for supporting funding – and then you will find most Parish Councils most helpful. Otherwise I would not pretend that sitting for hours on end listening to routine issues such as lighting, cutting grass and speeding cars etc- is remotely stimulating.
Len commented on 9 Oct 2010:
Hi Sara That’s where your youth engagement champion could come in useful. Those that tell you its boring and tiresome coming to council meetings are telling you true, [I’m just writing this and wondering why I do it]. The point is if you want something done or are keen to see something change, then you have to find out who your representative is, talk with them, turn up as a mob if you have to [nice mob I hope] connect with your councillors and MP. BE A NIUSANCE. Make people understand how you feel, in short be noticed. Get the newspapers on your side; there is nothing out there that can cause a politician more grief than a bad newspaper story. Of course you can always get yourself elected
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The Public including young people have a right to ask questions at full Council and at Cabinet and Scruitiny meetings so if there are things you would like to influence you can ask a question there. Plus always find out who your local councillor is and meet with them . He/She should hopefully take up issues or ideas that you might have. Depending on your age you could try and join a political party or try and encourage your local council to set up a forum with young people..