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Forest of Dean District Council

Question: How do you plan on making our voices heard and how will this be different to how it works at the moment?

Asked by kimi to Len on 5 Oct 2010 in Categories: . This question was also asked by rhian.

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  • Photo: Len LawtonLen Lawton answered on 5 Oct 2010:

    The District council has in the past appointed a Young Persons Champion. This Councillor is usually one that volunteers for the Job, from reasons of interest or similar. The Youth Engagement winner in this contest will be your choice, thats the first difference. I think its time young people were involved in some of the discussions that take place on local issues, look at what happened regarding the cycle track and jumps in Mitcheldean. My job would be to ensure that your views are considered and understood.



  • Photo: DiDi commented on 5 Oct 2010:

    We have Champions at present, of which I am one (Health and Wellbeing) which were appointed four years ago. We did’nt have a choice and were selected by the leader. It works quite well, however this process of election will mean that the Youth Engagement Champion will have a mandate to press for and represent a cross section of views and ideas given to them by you and others and can also be held to account if the job is not carried out properly.Maria Edy is the council Youth Champion and works very hard to put forward ideas and suggestions that are important to young people of the Forest of Dean.


  • Photo: JaneJane commented on 6 Oct 2010:

    If you speak to Councillors and let them know what you wan’t especially at Youth Forums,Come and ask questions at Meetings . These questions can be written.
