Question: You say that you think youth should be able to vote at 16, as the voter turnout percentage drops as age decreases will this give a useful representation and what would you do to try and increase the vote turnout of young people?
Asked by leachr87 to Di on 5 Oct 2010 in Categories: Youth issues.
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The actual turnout of voters has generally decreased locally and nationally in recent years but this does not mean that the right to vote and access to vote should not be avalable to anyone classed as being a responsible age and I do believe that this is 16.We have to more responsive to voters and more creative in the way in which people have access to vote.For example, on line voting or press button voting is a way in which people seem to want to vote.With young people , as with any voter, they will only engage with the process if it is relevent to them and we will only do this if we ask the right questions and put forward policies and ideas that they can support and want to see happen. It will not be easy but it is the responsibility of the candidates putting themselves forward for elaction to motivate and encourage young and older people to vote and to get involved in their local communities.