Question: What sort of stuff does the council do for young people at the moment?
Asked by andys to Len on 6 Oct 2010 in Categories: Youth issues.
copyright and produced by gallomanor communications ltd 2025
Asked by andys to Len on 6 Oct 2010 in Categories: Youth issues.
copyright and produced by gallomanor communications ltd 2025
Hi Andys. Easy answer is all sorts of stuff but is what you want ? If you go to the District Council website [] and look for “Leisure Services” you will find the page that gives you info about Leisure Centres and the services they offer. The list covers things like Swimming, Trampolene activities, Athletics, Football coaching and the Fun Zone [for 5 to 13’s]. These and other activities are available from the Leisure centres in the four main towns. Thats the end of the 30sec advert.
What do you think of stuff offered to young people by the Council ? What would you like to see in your town or village? What can you do in support of your request ?