Question: did you always want to be a conunciller
Asked by phebe to Jane, Bruce on 10 Oct 2010 in Categories: About. This question was also asked by charlottee.
copyright and produced by gallomanor communications ltd 2025
Asked by phebe to Jane, Bruce on 10 Oct 2010 in Categories: About. This question was also asked by charlottee.
copyright and produced by gallomanor communications ltd 2025
I hadn’t thought of being a Councillor until I was invited by the Chairman of our Party,I have always voted and been interested in politics but I couldn’t play any part when my husband was in the Army
No, but I was interested in politics from my early teenage years. When I joined my political party, it was a natural progression to make. I was elected to my parish council at the first attempt and four years later I was elected to the district council.