Question: Are you going to bring the Youth Opportunity Fund back? If not what other mechanisms will you put into place to ensure youth services and youth groups get money to continue and improve their opportunities for young people, such as equipment and trips.?
Asked by jenjen to Andrew, Bruce, Di, Jane, Len, Marion on 11 Oct 2010 in Categories: Youth issues.
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With the major cuts being demanded by Government the Council is looking very carefully at funding voluntary bodies. Young people are one of our priorities, so we will do our best to help you, but it may have to be done through obtaining grants from other bodies. There are many different charities that have the resources to fund young people, so it’s a question of finding them and helping you to submit bids to obtain the grant you need.
This is in the hands of the County Council and with the massive cuts being made by them I am not sure what will be left. It may be a case of rebuilding after November and looking at the best way to respond to young peoples most urgent needs. This is something that people will have to work together to provide.
Once we can quantify expected shortfalls affecting Youth Opportunity Funding and associated Educational issues, we must meaningfully explore every avenue through the County Council, Mark Harper M P and petition the Forest of Dean District Council to initiate funding bids.
I think some of these services will rely on Fund raising and many of thegrants that are available a good negotiator is neede such as Kate!
I wish that funding for youth projects was in my hands, but unfortunately it isn’t. The County Council are responsible for funding the youth service and like all other services it is likely to face severe cuts. It is up to us all to lobby the County Council to ensure that youth service funding is not expected to bear too much pain and to work together to find other funding opportunities.
Hello again jenjen, I dont know if you are aware of the “Childrens and young peoples delivery group”, they are an organisation that make funds avialable to young people for all sorts of projects and possible trips. Funding for this and other similar groups are not guaranteed but as far as i am aware still exists. Your best place to start would be to talk to Kate [Wyatt] as I believe she was the Chairman , at least for a time. What we need to do is to ensure that young people dont get forgotten when the “bidding” starts for money to support projects.