Questions in category 'Local Facilities'
Lots of young people want to make bmx tracks but they get destroyed by Forestry or the council. What will you do about by penny and 1 other. to Andrew, Bruce, Di, Jane, Len, Marion Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (Comments Off on Lots of young people want to make bmx tracks but they get destroyed by Forestry or the council. What will you do about)
What can you do to encourage more retail business into the forest? Having more good quality fashion shops would by gracetremlett to Andrew, Bruce, Di, Jane, Len, Marion Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (Comments Off on What can you do to encourage more retail business into the forest? Having more good quality fashion shops would)
I used to frequently go swimming, Although it becomes expensive at £7.00 a week, is there anyway the five acres by emilylowthian to Andrew, Bruce, Di, Jane, Len, Marion Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (So far, one comment)
Will less the goverment cuts mean less things for us to do in the Forest? by jedc to Jane Category: Local Facilities. Comments: (so far, 5 comments)
Recent Comments
- Hi what do you think young people in the community should e.g (clubs and activities) From John Wellington's (1 comments)
- did you always want to be a conunciller (1 comments)
- I used to frequently go swimming, Although it becomes expensive at £7.00 a week, is there anyway the five acres (1 comments)
- HOw is typical boring ? (2 comments)
- First week of I'm a Councillor nearly over! (5 comments)
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