Questions in category 'Youth issues'
Hi what do you think young people in the community should e.g (clubs and activities) From John Wellington’s by oli14via to Bruce Category: Youth issues. Comments: (So far, one comment)
Are you going to bring the Youth Opportunity Fund back? If not what other mechanisms will you put into place to ensure by jenjen to Andrew, Bruce, Di, Jane, Len, Marion Category: Youth issues. Comments: (Comments Off on Are you going to bring the Youth Opportunity Fund back? If not what other mechanisms will you put into place to ensure)
With the major cuts how are you going to provide quality services for young people? by jenjen to Andrew, Bruce, Di, Jane, Len, Marion Category: Youth issues. Comments: (Comments Off on With the major cuts how are you going to provide quality services for young people?)
would you be considered to hold parties for youth at local establishments? by paulyearley to Andrew, Bruce, Di, Jane, Len, Marion Category: Youth issues. Comments: (Comments Off on would you be considered to hold parties for youth at local establishments?)
I like going to Coleford Youth Centre, on mondays, and with youth centre, sports at Lakers hall on wednesday evenings, by hatton21 and 1 other. to Andrew, Bruce, Di, Jane, Len, Marion Category: Youth issues. Comments: (Comments Off on I like going to Coleford Youth Centre, on mondays, and with youth centre, sports at Lakers hall on wednesday evenings,)
Howmight the cut backs affect youth clubs? by bekki to Marion Category: Youth issues. Comments: (so far, 3 comments)
What sort of stuff does the council do for young people at the moment? by andys to Len Category: Youth issues. Comments: (so far, 2 comments)
Young people in the Forest need jobs. How would you help to create more jobs? by jedc to Andrew Category: Youth issues. Comments: (so far, 3 comments)
What do you think about young people voting at 16? by penny to Andrew Category: Youth issues. Comments: (so far, 3 comments)
You say you will find out what young people want, I wondered how you will do this? by peter7 and 1 other. to Bruce Category: Youth issues. Comments: (No comments so far)
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Recent Comments
- Hi what do you think young people in the community should e.g (clubs and activities) From John Wellington's (1 comments)
- did you always want to be a conunciller (1 comments)
- I used to frequently go swimming, Although it becomes expensive at £7.00 a week, is there anyway the five acres (1 comments)
- HOw is typical boring ? (2 comments)
- First week of I'm a Councillor nearly over! (5 comments)
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