In a way yes, the Budget Working Group discusses and sets the budgets for the District Council. The “BWG” is made up of senior Councillors and Officers of the authority who meet on a regular basis to look at what is required for the coming years. Currently it isnt good if you listen to the national news, this authority is like others across the country having to make serious economies.
The budget working group does make suggestions and recommendations which it takes to Full Council in the New Year. It does send out recommendations to the public for consultation. However it is a single group meeting, held behind closed doors so the rest of us councillors have no influemce on the recommendations….which I find really frustrating.
Full Council makes the ultimate decision. The Budget Working Group looks in detail at what money is available and how it could be spent and makes these suggestions to Full Council.
In a way yes, the Budget Working Group discusses and sets the budgets for the District Council. The “BWG” is made up of senior Councillors and Officers of the authority who meet on a regular basis to look at what is required for the coming years. Currently it isnt good if you listen to the national news, this authority is like others across the country having to make serious economies.