As a district Councillor we do not hold the purse strings for student transport as it is the County Council. They are cutting their budget by millions so I am sure that this will impact on subsidised travel.There is a student card scheme with Stagecoach buses but it still costs quite alot of money and in some ares is really unfair,We have to keep lobbying to make it fair and equitable as the cost of travel should not be a barrier to learning and I am sure whoever is voted in as Youth Engagement Champion will support you in pushing for affordable accessible transprt for all learners.
Dear Tom The District Council doesn’t supply transport but the County Council at the moment they don’t have any money.There are Student Cards but the system is not at all fair. Hopefully this will be another area where the Champion will be able to help.
Good question Tom – many public transport companies are relient on the use of bus passes for the elderly and students alike. Our concerns are about this support continuing within the existing economic climate. It is obsene that the main political parties have ring fenced billions of pounds sterling for a nuclear submarines – while at the same time they allow public transport to decline in the rural countryside. Currently for the construction of Britains new aircraft carriers the Government are to draft in Polish Workers, therefore should they repeat such folly for the submarines, we again lose employment opportunities. Sorry to be political but must continue to speak out against such political ignorance and deceit
Hi “tomladd”Transport is the responsibility of the County Council here, that doesn’t mean members of the District Council don’t take an interest however. Gloucestershire County Council currently spends about £12 million on subsidising public transport for young people going to school. The total amount of public money spent to support our public transport links could go as far as £70 million, and yes I’ll say it first, the Dean’s bus services are not very good. When you are a full time Student at Uni or College there are Student bus passes, while you are at school you can apply if you are 16 or over for an EMA grant [to get this your parents income will be taken into consideration] I think we should have a better public transport service first, If it works better and people used it more, it wouldn’t need tons of public money to support it. Maybe then we could look at help young people with cheaper travel. What do you think?
Transport is a big issue in the Forest as so many people have no local buses. School transport is funded through the County Council and if there are issues we can ask the County to help.
As a district Councillor we do not hold the purse strings for student transport as it is the County Council. They are cutting their budget by millions so I am sure that this will impact on subsidised travel.There is a student card scheme with Stagecoach buses but it still costs quite alot of money and in some ares is really unfair,We have to keep lobbying to make it fair and equitable as the cost of travel should not be a barrier to learning and I am sure whoever is voted in as Youth Engagement Champion will support you in pushing for affordable accessible transprt for all learners.
Dear Tom The District Council doesn’t supply transport but the County Council at the moment they don’t have any money.There are Student Cards but the system is not at all fair. Hopefully this will be another area where the Champion will be able to help.
Good question Tom – many public transport companies are relient on the use of bus passes for the elderly and students alike. Our concerns are about this support continuing within the existing economic climate. It is obsene that the main political parties have ring fenced billions of pounds sterling for a nuclear submarines – while at the same time they allow public transport to decline in the rural countryside. Currently for the construction of Britains new aircraft carriers the Government are to draft in Polish Workers, therefore should they repeat such folly for the submarines, we again lose employment opportunities. Sorry to be political but must continue to speak out against such political ignorance and deceit
Hi “tomladd”Transport is the responsibility of the County Council here, that doesn’t mean members of the District Council don’t take an interest however. Gloucestershire County Council currently spends about £12 million on subsidising public transport for young people going to school. The total amount of public money spent to support our public transport links could go as far as £70 million, and yes I’ll say it first, the Dean’s bus services are not very good. When you are a full time Student at Uni or College there are Student bus passes, while you are at school you can apply if you are 16 or over for an EMA grant [to get this your parents income will be taken into consideration] I think we should have a better public transport service first, If it works better and people used it more, it wouldn’t need tons of public money to support it. Maybe then we could look at help young people with cheaper travel. What do you think?
Unfortunately, district councils like ours do not have the responsibility or the funding for subsidising the transport costs of learners.
Transport is a big issue in the Forest as so many people have no local buses. School transport is funded through the County Council and if there are issues we can ask the County to help.